网站标题: Online syntax highlighting for the masses!
网站简介: Online syntax highlighting for the masses!
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网站标题: * of Crimson Editor - Free Text Editor, Html Editor, Programmers Editor for Windows
网站简介: Crimson Editor is a professional source editor for Windows
关键字: crimson  editor  edit  notepad  text  source  code  syntax  highlight  css  c  cpp  perl  delphi  python  matlab  latex  tex  euphoria  pl/sql  asp  jsp  php  edif  vhdl  verilog-hdl
网站标题: Main Page - *isynth
网站简介: Main Page - *isynth
关键字: Main  Page  Advanced  Scripting  Tips  Advanced  topics  Arrays  Aspect  ratios  FAQ  Syntax  v3  Plugin  Development  in  C  Block  statements  Changelist
网站标题: Fossies - The Fresh Open Source Software Archive
网站简介: Fossies - The Fresh Open Source Software archive with special browsing features
关键字: Fossies  Download  Fresh  Freeware  Shareware  Free  Open  Source  Software  Archive  Source  Code  Browsing  Syntax  Highlighting  Unix  Linux  Windows  Internet  Engineering  Research  Sc
网站标题: RuleSpeak® || Let the Business People Speak Rules!
网站简介: RuleSpeak is a resource about business rules, offering guidelines, syntax and patterns to express rules clearly and effectively in structured natural language, aimed at the business analyst, rule analyst, IT professional, and business person. RuleSpeak is the worlds leading notation for rule statem
关键字: RuleSpeak  business  rule  rule  template  natural  language  rule  rule  standard  rule  syntax  rule  grammar  rule  guideline  rule  management  business  rule  management  SBVR  Ronald  G.  Ross  Ron  Ross  Bus
网站标题: Syntax Physic Opera
网站简介: Music Venue. Eatery. Art Bar. Denver. South Broadway. Multisensory. Syntax Physic Opera.
关键字: Denver  Jonathan  Bitz  Alex  Bitz  Syntax  Physic  Opera  Music  Venue  Bar  South  Broadway  Eatery  Art  bar  Multisensory
网站标题: *
网站简介: is a free online T-SQL formatting service using the open-source .Net 2.0 Poor Mans T-SQL Formatter library.
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网站标题: Text editor - J*a Perl Html - Syntax highlighting
网站简介: Editeur is a text editor with syntax highlighting for many languages including J*a Perl and Html. Ideal for web authoring, programming, scripting, and general editing.
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网站标题: Actipro SyntaxEditor - WPF syntax-highlighting code editor control
网站简介: Actipro SyntaxEditor is the ultimate syntax-highlighting code editor control for WPF.
关键字: syntaxeditor  code  editor  code  highlighting  syntax  highlighting  code  outlining  syntax  editing  intellisense  lexer  lexing  parser  parsing  AST  grammar
网站标题: Email Validation API - Verify Email Address | MailboxValidator
网站简介: MailboxValidator email validation clean email lists and reduces bounce. It connects to the mail server and checks whether the mailbox exists or not.
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