网站标题: Observis Oy - Smarter Solutions
网站简介: Observis is a software company specialising in software and device integration in CBRN and first responder field.
关键字: Observis  ObSAS  CBRN  Safety  Hazmat  Chemical  safety  CBRN  Monitoring  CBRN  Networks  Reconnaissance  vehicles  CBRN  Critical  Infrastructure  Connection  Integration  CBRN  Integrator  


网站标题: Airbus Australia Pacific - Airbus Helicopters
网站简介: The purpose of Airbus in Australia Pacific is to serve its customers by, Assembling and delivering military Airbus Helicopters products Supporting Army, Air Force and N*y aerospace systems, Selling, delivering and supporting civil Airbus Helicopters products and associated services, Identifying and
关键字: Tiger  arh  armed  reconnaissance  helicopter  Cost-Effective  Cost  Effective  Cost  per  flight  hour  cost  per  flying  hour  Australia  New  Zealand  electroplating  MRO  Maintenance  Repair  Overhaul  co  


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