网站标题: Trauma Hemostasis and Oxygenation Research Network
网站简介: Trauma Hemostasis and Oxygenation Research Network sponsors the Remote Damage Control Resuscitation (RDCR) Symposium and develops the Blood Far Forward
关键字: remote  damage  control  resuscitation  trauma  hemostasis  oxygenation  research  


网站标题: Practical-Haemostasis.com - A Practical Guide and Laboratory Resource for Haemostasis
网站简介: Practical-Haemostasis.com is designed to teach you laboratory haemostasis.
关键字: blood  clotting  practical  haemostasis  practical  hemostasis  practical-haemostasis  practical-hemostasis  clotting  tests  haemostasis  hemostasis  laboratory  haemostasis  laboratory  hemostasis  coagul  


网站标题: NASCOLA North American Specialized Coagulation Laboratory Association
网站简介: NASCOLA - North American Specialized Coagulation Laboratory Association.
关键字: Hemostasis  Blood  Coagulation  Coagulation  Laboratory  Special  Coagulation  Coagulation  testing  Proficiency  Standardization  Clinical  Diagnostic  Reference  Laboratory  Clinical  Resea  


网站标题: Thieme Publisher China
网站简介: Thieme Publisher中文官网
关键字: Thieme  医学  化学  出版  国际期刊  德国  开放获取  兽医学  Veterinary  Medicine  血液学  Vascular  Medicine  血栓形成与止血  Thrombosis  amp;  Hemostasis  外科  Surgery  运动医学  Sports  Science  言语语言-听觉  Speech-Language-Hearing  呼吸系统  Respiratory  生殖医学  


网站标题: HOME - Synapse
网站简介: Synapse Research Institute is the inventor and patent holder of the “calibrated thrombin generation” and we are very proud that this calibrated TG is now the world standard for thrombin generation measurements. The CAT device measures both thrombotic and bleeding tendencies.
关键字: thrombin  generation  calibrated  automated  thrombography  hemostasis  bleeding  thrombosis  APS  von  Willebrandt  platelet  function  testing  protein  purification  clotting  factors  DOACs  NOACs  


网站标题: anscare.co
网站简介: anscare.co
关键字: anscare.co


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