网站标题: Effective Traditonal Karate - Ernie Molyneux & Roy Flatt Martial Arts videos
网站简介: Goju Ryu karate evolved because Okinawans needed an effective unarmed fighting system to defend themselves in the feudal Japan of the past. This website is dedicated to preserving this Okinawan martial art, which remains just as relevant and effective today as it was in centuries gone by
关键字: martial  arts  goju  ryu  karate  videos  self  defence  street  fighting  ernie  molyneux  roy  flatt  


网站标题: The EGKA preserves and teaches the traditional Okinawan martial art of Goju-Ryu karate through its n
网站简介: The English Goju-Ryu Karate-do Association (EGKA) led by Sensei Ernie Molyneux. This site contains useful informaton for EGKA members and details of forthcoming martial arts and karate training events across England during 2013
关键字: egka  goju-ryu  karate  martial  arts  england  ernie  molyneux  


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