网站标题: Mallemaroking
网站简介: Thoughts on polar research and polar science
关键字: ipcc  srocc  cryosphere  canada  hudson  bay  sea  ice  antarctica  a68  satellite  arctic  maersk  northern  sea  route  ship  greenland  nares  strait  polynya  modis  frazil  ice  a38  iceberg  south  georgia  larsen  c  rrs  ja
网站标题: Climate and Cryosphere
网站简介: CliC aims to improve understanding of the cryosphere and its interactions with the global climate system, and to enhance the ability to use parts of the cryosphere for detection of climate change.
关键字: ice  snow  glaciers  cryosphere  permafrost  sea  ice  Arctic  Antarctic  ice  sheets  ice  bergs
网站标题: Climate and Cryosphere
网站简介: CliC aims to improve understanding of the cryosphere and its interactions with the global climate system, and to enhance the ability to use parts of the cryosphere for detection of climate change.
关键字: ice  snow  glaciers  cryosphere  permafrost  sea  ice  Arctic  Antarctic  ice  sheets  ice  bergs
网站标题: International Directory Network (IDN)
网站简介: The Global Change Master Directory is a comprehensive directory of information about Earth science data, including the oceans, atmosphere, hydrosphere, solid earth, biosphere and human dimensions of global change. FGDC Clearinghouse Node (NASA).
关键字: agricultrue  atmosphere  biosphere  cryosphere  snow  ice  climate  indicators  human  dimensions  hydrosphere  land  surface  ocean  paleoclimate  radiance  imagery  sun  solid  earth  data  global  warm  


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