网站标题: fDi Markets: the in-depth crossborder investment monitor from the Financial Times
网站简介: Real-time monitoring of foreign direct investment projects including capital investment, job creation and tools to track and profile companies investing overseas
关键字: FDI  foreign  direct  investment  greenfield  investment  crossborder  investment  fDI  Markets  Financial  Times  foreign  direct  investment  magazine  fdi  magazine  fdi  intelligence  FT  fdimarkets.com  


网站标题: fDi Benchmark Services: FDI expertise, data insights and assessment tools
网站简介: The fDi Benchmark portfolio of servicess part of the Financial Times Group - specialises in the analysis of all areas relating to foreign direct investment.
关键字: FDI  benchmark  FDI  benchmarking  services  FDI  comparison  FDI  database  foreign  direct  investment  benchmark  foreign  direct  investment  comparison  foreign  investment  benchmark  crossborder  investment  


网站标题: RATIN | *
网站简介: RATIN | *
关键字: market  prices  crossborder  volumes  border  volumes  regional  grain  news  kenya  uganda  tanzania  rwanda  burundi  south  sudan  maize  beans  rice  wheat  sorghum  millet  East  Africa  Grain  Trade  Agriculture  Price  


网站标题: fdiintelligence.com
网站简介: fdiintelligence.com
关键字: fdiintelligence.com


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