网站标题: slumberland records *
网站简介: New releases out now from Jeanines, Chime School, Frankie Rose, The Reds, Pinks & Purples, The Pains of Being Pure At Heart, The Laughing Chimes, Peel Dream Magazine, Jeanines and Papercuts. Music for people who like music, since 1989.
关键字: indie  pop  DIY  indiepop  punk  aislers  set  black  tambourine  rocketship  hood  boyracer  saturday  people  henrys  dress  velocity  the  ropers  lorelei  the  softies  14  iced  bears  the  lodger  the  how  the  crabapp
网站标题: slumberland records *
网站简介: New releases out now from Papercuts, Artsick, Kids On A Crime Spree, Chime School, The Umbrellas, The Reds, Pinks & Purples and Peel Dream Magazine. Music for people who like music, since 1989.
关键字: indie  pop  DIY  indiepop  punk  aislers  set  black  tambourine  rocketship  hood  boyracer  saturday  people  henrys  dress  velocity  the  ropers  lorelei  the  softies  14  iced  bears  the  lodger  the  how  the  crabapp  


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