网站标题: Spresso | Data-driven insights leveraging machine learning and AI
网站简介: Spresso modular SaaS solutions, built in response to real-world challenges around price optimization, customer churn, and increasing lifetime value.
关键字: price  optimization  data  analytics  machine  learning  data  visualization  ecommerce  insights  price  management  intelligent  pricing  churn  prediction  advanced  analytics  conversion  profitability  cu  


网站标题: LATKA SaaS Database
网站简介: LATKA SaaS Database
关键字: saas  b2b  private  data  company  business  ceo  ltv  cac  arpu  arr  mrr  churn  latka  


网站标题: Customer Success Platform | Customer Success Management That Can Help Your Business Growth - Striked
网站简介: Strikedeck is the fastest and the most connectable Customer Success Automation Tool. Strikedeck uses machine learning and predictive analytics to bubble up insights and alerts about customer health, sentiment, and engagement.
关键字: Customer  Success  Software  Customer  Service  Customer  Support  Renew  Churn  SaaS  CSM  NPS  CSAT  Upsell  Cross-Sell  Customer  Journey  Customer  Engagement  QBR  Customer  Experience  Customer  Success  


网站标题: www.inwt-statistics.com
网站简介: www.inwt-statistics.com
关键字: www.inwt-statistics.com


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