网站标题: iMeetingX for Window and Mac - GTD (Getting Things Done) for Business and Organizations - Techno Gra
网站简介: Plan and follow-up on tasks from business meetings and workshops.
关键字: iMeetingX  meeting  minutes  attendees  invitation  meeting  activities  action  item  decision  note  PMI  to-do  todo  to-dos  project  report  Workshop  Workshops  gtd  geeting  things  done
网站标题: AUTOSAR - Enabling Innovation
网站简介: AUTOSAR. A worldwide partnership which developes the standardized software framework for intelligent mobility. Learn more and join AUTOSAR!
关键字: AUTOSAR  partnership  core  partner  core  partners  premium  partner  premium  partners  development  partner  development  partners  attendees.  associate  partner  associate  partners  standards  classic  pl
网站标题: PMA Fresh Summit is Going Virtual | Produce Marketing Association
网站简介: Fresh Summit has always been the family reunion for the produce and floral industries where buyers and sellers come together to do business, and this year is no different. You’ll get all the connectio
关键字: Anaheim  Anaheim  conference  California  Conference  Fresh  Summits  Summit  Global  Conference  Global  Connections  Consumption  Insights  Insight  Attendees  Fresh  Summit  Attendees  Sponsor  Fresh  Summi  


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