网站标题: Clay Factory - Imports and Distributes Cernit Modeling and Doll Clay and Cernit tools - Makin&*39;s Air
网站简介: clay factory - consumers and suppliers of new age modeling materials, artists serving artists since 1980, Jacquard Products, Cernit Artistic Wire polymer clay Premo Sculpey sculpey Super sculpey cernit artistic wire tools videos supplies crafts makins clay makins tool and various other supplies
关键字: clay  clay  factory  Sculpey  Super  Sculpey  Sculpey  3  scuply  scuplty  sculptie  Premo  Sculpey  Eraser  clay  liquid  liquid  sculpey  polymerclay  Cernit  Doll  clay  Cernit  pearlex  powder  Jacquard  A
网站标题: Christy Sherman - SkyGrazer | HOME
网站简介: Wildlife and Fantasy jewelry and sculpture by polymer clay artist Christy Sherman
关键字: polymer  clay  clay  polymer  Sky  Grazer  sculpture  relief  bas-relief  wildlife  jewelry  handmade  polyclay  premo  sculpey  poly  sky  grazer  designs  sculpture  SculpeyIII  fimo
网站标题: Polymer Clay Central
网站简介: Polymer Clay is the hottest arts and crafts medium to hit the market in decades. Colorful, immediate, and extremely versatile, polymer clay just may well be the most exciting material youll ever lay your hands on! Join us, and see for yourself!
关键字: Polymer  clay  tutorials  Clay  Fimo  Polymer  Clay  tutorials  projects  lessons  polymerclay  Sculpey  SculpeyIII  doll  miniatures  cernit  promat  sculpture  molds  pushmolds  Guilds  web  sites  Bead
网站标题:  Polymer Clay Web - Dedicated to polymer clay and its many uses - fimo, premo, sculpey - jewelry, sc
网站简介: Polymer Clay Web is a complete online resource for everything relating to polymer clay and its usage.
关键字: sculpey  premo  premo  sculpey  fimo  fimo  classic  fimo  soft  polymer  clay  polymer  clay  polymerclayweb  clay  jewelry  pollymer  craft  techniques  materials
网站标题: International Polymer Clay Association - International Polymer Clay Association
网站简介: The International Polymer Clay Association (IPCA) is a non-profit organization. The IPCA&*039;s *ives are to educate the public about polymer clay, and to study and promote an interest in the use of polymer clay as an artistic medium.
关键字: polymer  clay  fimo  sculpey  kato  cernit  premo  doll  miniatures  jewelry  skinner  blend  clay  buttons  beads  sculpture  mixed  media  


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