网站标题: Cryptids, Anomalies, and the Paranormal Society - WISCONSIN CAPS
网站简介: A research group based out of Wisconsin that tr*els looking for Paranormal, Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Dogman, Werewolves, aliens, UFOS, and anything out of the ordinary. The goal of CAPS is to look for connections *ween these phenomenon and see if and how they are all connected. If you h*e seen any
关键字: Bigfoot  Paranormal  Cryptids  Wisconsin  Haunted  Ghost  Dogman  Sasquatch  UFO  UAP  Lake  Monsters  Loch  Ness  Champ  Mothman  


网站标题: Ohio Cryptid
网站简介: Ohio Cryptid is focused on documenting, investigating, and reporting incidents and evidence of unknown or undiscovered animal reports in the state of Ohio.
关键字: Ohio  Cryptozoology  Bigfoot  Sasquatch  research  paranormal  cryptid  alien  big  cat  black  panther  cougar  mountain  lion  puma  panther  sasquatch  triangle  mothman  dogman  sighting  


网站标题: mysterious-america
网站简介: Mysterious America featuring Mothman, UFOs, Mound Builders, ufo & paranormal news, atlantis videos, ufo books: * of Alternate Perceptions Magazine online.
关键字: ancient  america  american  mysteries  brent  raynes  mothman  prophecies  edgar  cayce  alternate  perceptions  ufo  news  paranormal  phenomena  andrew  collins  greg  little  atlantis  videos  atlantis  searc  


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