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网站简介: Das Leben und Wirken des Bischofs Friedrich Kaiser
关键字: Bischof  Friedrich  Kaiser  Depel  Peru  Missionarinnen  vom  lehrenden  und  sühnenden  Heiland  Dülmen  Markus  Trautmann  Missionar
网站标题: Mount Grace Convent
网站简介: The Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters, commonly called Pink Sisters because of their rose colored habit, are a cloistered contemplative missionary Religious Congregation. Faithful to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, the nuns pray for the needs of the whole world through their apostolate of perpet
关键字: Holy  Spirit  Adoration  Sisters  Pink  Sisters  Holy  Spirit  Adoration  Sisters  Convent  Mount  Grace  Perpetual  Adoration  Cloister  Cloistered  Contemplative  Nuns  Vocation  Religious  Order  Missionar  


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