网站标题: Sacred Heart Monastery
网站简介: Benedcitine, Sisters, Byzantine, Religious, Community, St. Benedict, Vocation, Religious Life,Lisle, IL, St. Benedcit, Monastery, Monastic, St. Schloastica, Prayer, Lectio Divina
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网站标题: ORA, lege et LABORA - La via di San Benedetto
网站简介: San Benedetto da Norcia, la sua vita e la sua Santa Regola. I dialoghi di San Gregorio Magno. Santa Scolastica, San Mauro, San Placido, Imitazione di Cristo, Lettera a Diogneto, Maria alla lettura di Cristo, San Giuseppe, SantAnna, San Gioacchino, Storia del monachesimo, Monachesimo ed ecumenismo,
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网站标题: Liturgy of the Hours and Divine Office at eBreviary
网站简介: Daily Liturgy of the Hours or Divine Office prayers, including Morning Prayer, Daytime Prayer, Evening Prayer, Night Prayer and the Office of Readings
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网站标题: The Carmelites | Los Carmelitas | i Carmelitani
网站简介: The Carmelites | Los Carmelitas | i Carmelitani
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