网站标题: Apply for your LEI & receive within * - only $58 | EQS LEI MANAGER
网站简介: Apply for your Legal Entity Identifier with LEI MANAGER from EQS Group, only $58: fast &*10003; low-cost &*10003; secure &*10003; apply for your LEI now >> receive within *.
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网站标题: Animals and Their Habitats: a Romp through Biodiversity
网站简介: Dorothy E. Pughs personal website, containing 20,000+ Photos of Wildlife, Wildflowers, and More
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网站标题: *
网站简介: 科技资源标识服务平台是由中科院计算机网络信息中心研发,为科技资源提供全球*永久标识服务。平台宗旨是促进科技资源信息互联互通,推动科技资源开放共享,为科技资源可*、可追溯、可引用、可统计与可评价提供基础。目前科技资源标识服务平台已为包括Science Data Bank在内的超55家数据存储库和科学数据中心提供标识服务。
关键字: CSTR  Identifier  


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网站简介: Free Online GUID/UUID Generator
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网站标题: Scales and Chords | Scales-Chords
网站简介: Free online resources and tools to help you learn and compose music, scales and chords, for guitar and other instruments.
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网站标题: Rock Identifier - Online rock encyclopedia and rock identifier
网站简介: Online rock encyclopedia and rock identifier, Try out Rock Identifier app on your phone and identify thousands of rocks for free, AI rock expert in your pocket
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网站标题: OpenFIGI: Unlock the Power of Efficiency with Open Symbology
网站简介: Eliminate redundant mapping processes, streamline the trade workflow and reduce operational risk with more than 300 trillion potential identifiers *ailable.
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网站标题: Create GUID online - FAST, EASY, SECURE
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网站标题: Legal Entity Identifier | Search LEI code
网站简介: Check the LEI number and other information about legal entities all over the world. In addition, you can find information about localization, legal form, entity status and a lot of other current data of companies.
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网站标题: Drug List | Drugs Side Effects USA Health
网站简介: Find over 10000 prescription and over-the-counter drugs in an easy to find A-Z list of medications. List your health plan preferred medicines
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