网站标题: Children Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357
网站简介: The Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357 (CCHE) widely known as Hospital 57357 is a unique healthcare institution and an ultimate example of what can be achieved when people work together for a common goal. The people of Egypt and friends from all over the world and most particularly in the Arab W
关键字: Donation  57357  Children’s  Children  Cancer  research  cancer  research  sadka  zakah  zakat  Hospital  healthcare  تبرع  مستشفي  ٥٧٣٥٧  اطفال  أطفال  سرطان  ذكاة  ذكاه  زكاة  زكاه  تبرعات  صدقة  صدقه  كفالة  كفاله  


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