网站标题: 智能EDI纯水系统-一次性细胞涂布器-聚谷氨酰化修饰单抗*津柏瑞生物科技有限公司
网站简介: 天津柏瑞生物科技有限公司(www.bioringtics.*主营智能EDI纯水系统,一次性细胞涂布器,聚谷氨酰化修饰单抗等产品,本公司力求以分子诊断技术为引导,致力于打造全生态健康服务平台,欢迎新老客户来电洽谈
关键字: 智能EDI纯水系统  一次性细胞涂布器  聚谷氨酰化修饰单抗
网站标题: Magnanelli Impresa Edile - Coriano di Rimini
网站简介: Limpresa edile F.lli Magnannelli di Rimini opera nel settore delledilizia ed è specializzata in costruzioni edilizie di case a basso consumo energetico, in tecniche di recupero con restauro storico, nella realizzazione di centri benessere, nellutilizzo di materiali ecologici e riciclati per coibenta
关键字: Impresa  edile  Magnanelli  Coriano  Rimini  edilizia  rimini  edilizia  coriano  casa  clima  gold  casaclima  gold  costruttore  edile  risparmio  energetico  realizzazione  centri  benessere  goldnature  edi
网站标题: FIRE - Field Invoicing and Reporting Engine
网站简介: The Field Invoicing and Reporting Engine (FIRE), aimed at the Oilfied sector, improves the profitability of companies by replacing hand-written field tickets and all the approval, tracking and accounting problems * to written invoices with a computer generated system taking care of ticket creatio
关键字: electronic  field  ticket  form  invoice  oilfield  oil  field  remote  ticket  bill  billing  invoicing  invoice  electronic  dso  edi  signature  tablet
网站标题: 升邦水处理设备-去离子水设备,废水设备,医疗与生物制药纯水设备,EDI纯水系统,RO膜系统企业
网站简介: 深圳升邦水处理设备公司专业提供工业超纯水设备,中回水用设备,去离子水设备,废水设备,医疗与生物制药纯水设备,EDI纯水系统,RO膜系统设,工业循环水处理净化设备, 电镀环保设备等,厂家提供,源头保*
关键字: 工业超纯水设备-中回水用设备-去离子水设备-废水设备-医疗与生物制药纯水设备-EDI纯水系统-RO膜系统设-工业循环水处理净化设备-  电镀环保设备-反渗透系统等
网站标题:  GPO Buying Group Software & Services
网站简介: NEXTStep Commerce, Inc. is a top provider of Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) cloud software and services. NEXTSteps NXT-Cloud® GPO Commerce Suite supports: accounts *istration; b2b document exchange; rebate management; group portals; data analytics and reporting; central billing; draft cart;
关键字: gpo  group  purchasing  rebates  buying  group  cooperative  loyalty  program  affinity  program  EDI  draft  cart  punchout  b2b  exchange  portal  web  store  online  catalog  document  exchange  marketplace
网站标题: Agência de Marketing Digital - Andrômeda Web Marketing
网站简介: Agência de Marketing Digital - Andrômeda Web Marketing
关键字: Agência  Digital  Desenvolvimento  de  Sites  Criação  de  Sites  Publicidade  Digital  Web  Marketing  Marketing  Digital  Cartão  de  Visita  Virtual  Digital  Interativo  Fotografia  Criação  e  Edição  de  Vídeos
网站标题: Pubnet / Pubeasy
网站简介: Pubnet is the Electronic Data Interchange system of the US book business for vendor / publisher and retailer / supplier companies doing efficient, fast and secure transactions of documents (purchase orders, acknowledgments, shipping notices, invoices) for trading books
关键字: Pubnet  PubX  book  books  vendor  retailer  publisher  supplier  BNC  ECPA  community  EDI  Electronic  Data  Interchange  4010  3060  FTP  FTPS  SFTP  purchase  order  acknowledgment  shipping  notice
网站标题: * - Supply Chain Technology News
网站简介: Supply Chain Technology News has been serving supply chain professionals since 2003. The focus encompasses the full gamut of supply chain practices and technologies and provides supply chain professionals with industry and technology news and trends. Look to Supply Chain Technology News first for te
关键字: Supply  Chain  Technology  Operations  EDI  Manufacturing  Distribution
网站标题: Lenmax Software Solutions
网站简介: Lenmax Software Solutions Inc. designs and implements software applications for mid-market manufacturers, retail, transportation and distribution companies, 3rd party logistics warehouses.
关键字: 3rd  party  logistics  warehouse  software  warehouse  management  software  edi  software  EDI  Adagio  Accounting  software  barcode  software  wms  for  Adagio
网站标题: MD On-Line
网站简介: MD On-Line, Inc. (MDOL) is a proven industry-leading provider of electronic healthcare solutions that leverage data to improve provider workflow and industry connectivity.Co-branded and endorsed by more than 40 major insurance companies and increasing its presence in providers offices of all sizes,
关键字: Healthcare  EDI  Electronic  Claims  Management  Medical  Claims  Clearinghouse  Electronic  Medical  Record  Practice  Management  System  EMR  Meaningful  Use  Certified  PM  Medical  Transcription  Revenue  Cyc  


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